Lox Analyzer

#parser#Typescript#BETH stack
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Last summer, I started reading Crafting interpreters. This book explains how to write an interpreter for a language named Lox from scratch, along with Java and code examples.

Let's be honest, I didn't read all of it. I've read most of the the first part though, which implements a tree-walk interpreter.
As I was reading, I was writing a Rust implementation of the the interpreter, which can be found here. As I'm still kind of new to Rust, it was not always simple to follow the book instructions. I still learned few things on the way, both about interpreters and about Rust.

At some point I considered doing an online tool that shows the parsing process, but didn't get to do it ... until now!

This project can be found on lox.thoughtful-fiddler.dev, and the github repository is here.

The project

This app lets you input some Lox code and parse it. The parsed view shows the 2 steps necessary for a computer to "read" code:

Let's say we have a foo function being called with the "bar" string:


The parsed result for this code shows:

Technology choices

The parser

As a starting point, I wanted to see if I could implement the parser quickly and without much guidance.

To minimize friction caused by the language, I picked Typescript, as it's the one I know best. I wanted to have a try at Bun too, in order to avoid the hassle of setting up a node TS project. And the setup was indeed waaaaaay smoother!

I relied on the language's formal grammar provided in the book.

With all of this, I managed to write most of the parser on a single day, which is much shorter than my first implementation. Obviously, I had to cut some corners to get there, but the final code isn't too messy.
The code for the parser can be found in src/domain.

The web UI

The web part of the project wasn't planned at first, and I wanted it to remain to be simple.

I've curious to try the BETH stack for a while, but as I wanted to keep the project as simple as possible, I thought I'd leave HTMX out of the equation and see how far I could go with 0 frontend JS.
Here's what the final staxck looks like:

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